About Myca Raquel


photo by Hakeem Adewumi

My goal in life is to always carry with me more questions than answers, because it is my relentless curiosity that fuels me to keep seeking truth, justice, equality and the most genuine form of happiness in everything my spirit touches.

At my core, I’m a journalist. I shamelessly spent the majority of my high school years in the journalism lab (aka the J-Lab), and carried that eagerness to tell stories with me to Southern Methodist University (Pony Up, y’all!), where I studied journalism, fashion media and French. Fast forward to 2017, the universe sent me back to my roots to teach journalism at the high school that propelled much of my success. Then a year later, it brought me back to SMU as a grad student pursuing her MBA. In the midst of this, I connected a badass group women to form F.A.S.H (short for Fearlessly Aspiring Something Higher), which launched three magazines and connected dozens of creatives for fashion projects and events.

Where the hell is she going with all of this? you might ask. The truth is, most days I’m just figuring shit out, and ain’t ashamed to admit it. I’m a creative MBA and full-time entrepreneur, investor and creator always ready to dive into my next adventure.

While this website serves as a digital portfolio of my professional work, it is also my diary to success, creative journal for emotional cleansing and music dispensary for gems that live in my playlists. Tag along for the ride (if you dare).